Another 'Small' Thing to be Thankful For
Today Chris got his eyes examined and Mercy came to the appointment with us. As we were leaving, I took Chris and Mercy over to the waiting area while I went to the counter to pay the bill. Normally I don't let go of Mercy, but the room was almost empty and there were several doors to go through before going outside. There were only two people sitting in the waiting room and I could sense that they were dog-friendly. Besides, Mercy was really into 'lapping' him today for some reason, so I made sure he had a good hold of her while she sprawled across his lap and I went over to pay the bill. As I waited for my card to be ran, I looked over at where they were sitting (about 20 or so feet away) and I heard a lady asking him what his dog's name was. I automatically tensed - I always dreaded that moment, because I knew he would probably not answer, or if he did it may not be understandable. He would probably stim or get up and run to me. Now that he was 12, it was awkward to say the least.
But then I heard it. In a clear and almost confident voice he told her his dog's name. He was smiling like any friendly 12 year old, patting and hugging Mercy when the lady asked him if they were best buddies and once again he answered her clearly: "Yes!" His tone may have been flat, but his face was lit with joy.
I don't think I have ever seen him interact with someone he didn't know that easily and naturally before. So this year I am thankful for one of my biggest blessings: a lovable, silly, 70 pound dog with a coat and a heart of gold- as well as all of the people that made it happen.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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